Python Unit Testing, Smalltalk Testing and Old web

Firts I read of Kent Beck talk about testing using smalltalk with patterns and a framework for it on Simple Smalltalk Tesign: With Patterns.


In this part I used to make anbotations and find them latter:


Next I watch the course of Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in Python from LinkedIn Learning. With out saying is was very informative, it has a complete introduction to TDD and Unit Testing including the definition of terms used in this kind of testing, you can learn of test discovery and test fixtures using basic examples of how to use pytest to perform within PyCharm. I really liked it a lot and learnd even more, I really recommend it.


Here I used Pycharm to make a task and test it, when I run the tests «you» should see this:



Today I also worked with the WayBackMachine site, which is a digital library of Internet sites, it includes different versions of them throughout time. I searched for the Youtube page and found one of the olders version that they had. Without saying is has gone a long way since then, this is from August 30 of 2005:




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